Australians have been losing an average of $25 million a month in investment scams.
Thanks TODAY Show for covering this important topic and a special shout out to our client, Alex Stolls, who was brave enough to share his story.
IDCARE assists hundreds of clients like Alex each month. Watch IDCARE's managing director, Dr David Lacey, as he shares tips on how to spot an investment scam.
> Watch the Todays Show's segment here
How your local police station’s number is being used to scam people. LISTEN as an IDCARE client shares his story of the Warrant for Your Arrest scam.
Read more...And what our client told the Minister for Defence, Peter Dutton.
Read more...And, it's time to check how safe you are working from home.
Read more...Join Privacy Commissioners from Australia and New Zealand with IDCARE'S Managing Director for a COVID-19 Discussion.
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