Stay Smart Online Week

Stay Smart Online Week

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October 9, 2018

IDCARE develops and releases 2018 electoral reports on Identity & Cyber Crime Impacts on the Australian Community and Current Scams for Stay Smart Online Week

As part of the Australian Cyber Security Centre’s Stay Smart Online week 2018, IDCARE has developed and released an ‘Identity & Cyber Security Community Aftermath Report 2018’ for each Australian State and federal electorate. There port provides a perspective on the impact of identity and cyber-related crimes on the residents of each State and electorate.

This year, Stay Smart Online week is focusing on bringing cybercrime out of the shadows and putting cyber security in the national spotlight. ‘Reverse the Threat’ is an initiative to fight back against the cybercriminals and raise awareness in the community on how to apply simple cyber-sense to protect themselves online.

The Aftermath Report provides the community with more information about the nature and consequences of the growing threat from identity and cyber-crimes. The nature of this typeof crime is opportunistic and relentless, often pursuing thousands of contacts to maximise the opportunity for financial gain. This can be overwhelming for victims and IDCARE provides the only free, victim support service that will take people through the steps they can take to best protect and recover their identity.

To compliment the reports, IDCARE are releasing short video clips that address a key issue each day based on the top five cyber issues from our Aftermath report. This includes: Remote Access Telephone Scams, Unknown (where cybercrime misuse is occurring, but no idea of the initial compromise), Phishing (emails), Theft of Physical Docs that lead to Cybercrime, and Employment Scams.

The true impact of this type of crime cannot be underestimated. 6.09 million adults experienced cybercrime in 2017[1]. Recent estimates by the Attorney-General’s Department indicate that identity crime costs Australia upwards of $1.6 billion each year, with the majority(around $900m) lost by individuals through credit card fraud, identity theft and scams. More alarmingly, identity crime continues to be a key enabler of serious and organised crime, which in turn costs Australia around $15 billion annually.

Should you need assistance in dealing with identity fraud and cyber–related crime please feel free to call on 1300 432 273 or submit a web request.

[1] Norton,Norton Cyber Security Insights Report Global Results (2017).


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IDCARE is here to provide you with specialist support and guidance when faced with a cyber and identity related issue. Contact one of our Identity & Cyber Security Case Managers to learn more about our Support Services and how we can help you.   

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