Email takeover or access is one of the most common forms of identity compromise.
Check your email accounts to ensure they are secure. Specifically check there are no ‘unknown’ email addresses attached to your account.
Yahoo Mail Tips
Outlook/Hotmail Tips
Gmail Tips
Email takeover or access is one of the most common forms of identity compromise. Our email accounts hold a great deal of information about us and criminals are very motivated to sift through them to find what they are looking for. Primarily they are looking for key documents such as driver licence, passport, Medicare, TFN etc. Once they have gathered this data they have the ability to apply for new accounts and lines of credit in your name. Furthermore once a criminal has gained access to your email they have the ability to redirect mail, send and delete emails and impersonate the email recipient.
For email provider specific advice please select the correct option below. If you do not see your email provider listed here, you can select the general tips to detect and prevent misuse of an email account.