Department of Human Services and Roll Out Letters

Department of Human Services and Roll Out Letters

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Published on:

February 19, 2019

670,000 Australians are collectively owed $110 million in unclaimed Medicare rebates from the Department of Human Services (DHS). Medicare is sending correspondence to those individuals who did not provide their bank account details to DHS and have thus missed out on rebates for doctors visits and other service fees. If you are entitled to reimbursement, you will be contacted via your online myGov account or by post.

Roll outs such as these unfortunately get the attention of criminals who try to interfere with the process by stealing the identity of unwitting individuals.

There are three main ways in which criminals can interfere with this reimbursement:

  1. Letterbox theft where criminals steal the reimbursement letters from the mailbox as a form of identity theft or to attempt to claim reimbursement on your behalf.  
  2. ‘Phishing’ phone calls from scammers pretending to be from DHS/Medicare/myGov
  3. 'Phishing’ text/email messages which may contain phony links where individuals may be asked to ‘update their personal details and bank account information’. Examples of this type of scam may be found on the DHS website on the "Have you been scammed page".

IDCARE recommends the following:

  • Ensure your letterbox is locked or secured
  • Check your letterbox daily
  • Do not click on links or respond to text messages, emails or phone calls from people stating they are DHS or Medicare.  Instead login to your myGov account or call by sourcing the relevant phone number from the official DHS website.

If you wish to contact the Medicare regarding this matter please call 132 011.

For more information on Medicare reimbursement please click on the below links.

For more information on credentials and identity theft please have a look at the below IDCARE Fact Sheets.

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